Sunday, August 26, 2007
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Reverse Assimilation
This one is so outrageous I had to post (trying to enjoy the summer). If this doesn't prove to you that the appeasing Left has completely lost its mind, nothing will. What will it take to wake them up?
A Roman Catholic Bishop in the Netherlands has proposed people of all faiths refer to God as Allah to foster understanding, stoking an already heated debate on religious tolerance in a country with one million Muslims.
Bishop Tiny Muskens, from the southern diocese of Breda, told Dutch television on Monday that God did not mind what he was named and that in Indonesia, where Muskens spent eight years, priests used the word “Allah” while celebrating Mass.
“Allah is a very beautiful word for God. Shouldn’t we all say that from now on we will name God Allah? … What does God care what we call him? It is our problem.”…
A survey in the Netherlands’ biggest-selling newspaper De Telegraaf on Wednesday found 92 percent of the more than 4,000 people polled disagreed with the bishop’s view, which also drew ridicule.
“Sure. Lets call God Allah. Lets then call a church a mosque and pray five times a day. Ramadan sounds like fun,” Welmoet Koppenhol wrote in a letter to the newspaper…
Posted by
9:59 AM
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
And then came the Danes
Will Denmark be the sight of the first cleansing?
Posted by
2:05 PM
Fear not, War is upon us!
After taking most of the month off from blogging, in the name of my own sanity, I feel the pressure to speak, to record the daily outrages in the world news building inside me again. Here is a nice summary of the real meaning of events in the last 3 weeks. From WSJ opinionjournal. It is called "Winds of War." If you missed out on WWII as most of us surviving today did, fear not, we got another big one coming, once again courtesy of our spirit of appeasement. Enjoy.
Posted by
12:43 PM
Friday, June 1, 2007
Reap as they Sow
Hat tip to LGF (again) for this incredibly depressing article about the reality brainwashing in the West Bank.
Posted by
2:21 PM
Venezuela-Hugo's Predicament
Hugo Chavez's recent closure of Venezuela's most popular somewhat oppositional television station in favor of state run pro regime TV has as we all know resulted in mass demonstrations and even rioting. With consolidation of power virtually complete Chavez's dictatorial regime is now at the final crossroads. With the protests persisting and growing in intensity he is forced to act. If he capitulates and restores the TV network, it is likely the end for his regime. If he persists, he will soon be forced to employ violent and deadly means of suppressing the demonstrations. If the Venezuelan people, and the international community succomb to brutality, that will be all for freedom in Venezuela for generations.
Posted by
1:07 PM
Clear Thinking
Here is a bit from Moonbattery which is one of the clearest explanations the global warming phenominon which I have read.
Here's the news: no one really believes in global warming. No one. Laurie David claims to believe in it, but jets around the country. Would she do that if she really thought it was dooming her and everyone else? If she thought jet travel caused breast cancer, would she indulge in that regardless of the risk? Of course not. Conclusion: she doesn't really believe it either.
Global warming advocacy is an opportunity for galloping narcissists to attract attention by striking a fashionable pose, a new wrinkle on the Hollywood award shows. Nothing more. ("I'm not an overindulged superannuated adolescent! I'm a concerned human being! Look at me, emulate me, adulate me, I'm cool! Really! All the cool people say so!") Anyone who actually believed our survival hung in the balance would be agitating to ban, inter alia, all rock concerts, television, film, vacation travel, and other frivolous wastes of energy and build nuclear power plants. Ain't gonna happen. Pigs will have an Air Force before then.
Anthropogenic global warming is an exercise in psychology, not science. The hysteria of those propounding it is by itself a dead giveaway. Those of us of a certain age (ahem) have seen so many doomsday scares come and go that it's hard to keep a straight face on hearing the most recent one. (As Abraham Lincoln said, "No matter how much cats fight, there always seem to be plenty of kittens." And somehow despite all the doomsday scenarios, the freeways become more and more crowded.) I'm old enough to remember when global cooling (caused by aerosol deodorants) was going to kill us all, and the polar bears were going to march down over the ice sheets and eat everyone in Miami. Now these maritime bears that can swim 60 miles out to sea are drowning. Teach 'em to mess with us!
Much like Wall Street touts, global warming poses the moral hazard that there's no downside to being an alarmist, because everyone will forget erroneous predictions. Only if the predictions are borne out, or appear as if they might be, will those making them point them out to all and sundry. A case in point: last year NOAA predicted a "very active" hurricane year, with four to six category 3 or higher storms, yada yada. Outcome: bupkis. Oops.
We should make the prediction business interesting. If a climatologist makes a public prediction that's substantially wrong, he should be fired and banned from getting federal funding. Now — he was saying?
Face it — global warming is a fad. Nothing more. Cynics are manipulating the cognitively disenfranchised (subtext: "vote for liberals, or we're all doomed, doomed I tell you!" Women are especially susceptible to the "It's for the children!" nonsense. It establishes their bona fides as mothers, or hopeful mothers-to-be.). In five years' time, global warming will join Y2K, heterosexual AIDS, killer bees, the ozone hole (now worse than ever, btw), and shark summer as the punch line of a joke. And you'll be telling people that you always had your doubts about it, and never really believed it. (I know: I tell people I never wore bell bottoms.) The grownups will nod gravely, and shoot bemused sidelong glances at each other, too polite to guffaw out loud.
Posted by
11:33 AM
Child Rearing
My wife and I are raising a boy. We of course find it challenging. We find that the child is very sensitive to emotional nuance, particularly with respect to social interactions. Simultaneously we are striving to understand the strengths and weaknesses in our own psychologies which to some extend are the result of our own childhood experiences. With these things in mind, this LGF post from the MEMRI site is overwhelming. How can anyone think it will be possible to negotiate an honest peace with people raised in this fashion?
Posted by
10:16 AM
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Fred on Isreal
The Fox news "all stars" including Charles Krauthammer (the only one I respect) were unanimous tonite that Fred Thompson is not as principled and convicted a politician as Ronald Reagan. This is perhaps the first stupid thing I have ever heard Charles say. Fred Dalton Thompson has in a unique undeclared candidacy for President, in fact almost a draft, been writing essays on all of the many pressing issues of our time. Thats right, Fred has been writing pointed opinion articles and signing them with his name. I am not sure what in tarnation is on Charles' mind, or perhaps who he has already commited support, but Charles you sounded stupid tonite.
Here is Fred on perhaps the issue of our time, the State of Isreal. Come on Mr. Krauthammer, Fred is full of conviction, clarity, and candor. Fred believes what he says, and knows the difference between right and wrong.
Posted by
9:20 PM
Friday, May 25, 2007
Canary in the Coal Mine
It is my belief that the pacifist anti-war war Left in this country means to use Israel to barter for peace with Islam and its leaders the Islamists. Like Europe's sacrifice of the the Sudetenland to Nazi German, the result would be catastrophic war of annihilation between the West and Islam. Winston Churchill spoke of Europe's appeasement of Hitler thusly:
"Britain and France had to choose between war and dishonour. They chose dishonour. They will have war." - From speech in House of Commons about Munich settlement (1938)
This point deserves emphasis. The anti-war Left's goals are exactly what will bring us to a real and utterly devestating war. A war which will touch nearly everyone's life brutally.
Richard Baehr at American Thinker put it nicely about Isreal:
It is not hard to argue that Israel remains a vital strategic ally of the United States. The focal point of the worldwide Islamic fundamentalist assault on the West is in Israel’s neighborhood, and Israel defends itself. Some of Israel’s fiercest enemies are the same nations attempting to undermine American interests in Iraq and Lebanon, namely Iran and Syria. Israel shares intelligence on radical Islamist groups with the US. The two countries jointly work on development of many weapons systems – missile and rocket defense, drones, aircraft missile avoidance systems. The two countries cooperate on homeland security, policing, civil disaster planning, and counter-terrorism strategies.
Israel is in many ways a canary in the coal mine for the West. The war against Israel highlights the strategies and tactics of radical groups worldwide. And Israel’s survival and resilience demonstrate that the West can triumph against its foes if it marshals its considerable strength and maintains the determination to succeed. The sacrifice of Israel would be an enormous gift to the enemies of the West, and only increase their appetite and belief in their eventual victory against other Western targets.
read both parts
Posted by
8:23 PM
The Ultimate Sacrifice
A friend commented recently and inspired me. Despite the fact that Al Gore testified before congress recently that he is not willing to alter his lifestyle for global warming, the movement remains religious. I am reminded of televangical cults by the devotion of Anthropogenic Global Warming adherents. The Branch Dividians. Jim Jones. Thought control. Given that this is the most urgent crisis humanity has ever faced (or whatever Gore hath spake), would it not be reasonable for the holiest of the Warmers to actually drink the Kool-aid and kill themselves? Think of the carbon savings! Not only would they no longer consume fossil fuel, not only would they stop eating flatulant cows, but the would stop exhaling deadly carbon dioxide. Were a significant fraction of the Warmers to embrace this theory, the world would indeed become a safer place. Here is to hoping.
hat tip to winston for the concept
Posted by
8:03 PM
Untroubled by Reality
Despite overwhelming evidence against his policy, President Ahmadinejad of Iran has decided to lower interest rates in Iran well below the already oppressive inflation rate. Anyone mildly interested in economics will immediately recognize the disasterous consequence of such policy. Pundits are scratching their heads wondering what political jujitsu he intends with the strange move. I think it most likely that he is megamanical enough to think he knows better than he economic advisors. This bit from the Guardian is worth reading. Time will tell, but I find this news encouraging.,,2087915,00.html
Posted by
7:48 PM
Jimmy Carter strikes again
In his evident senescence former president Carter has become ever more anti-Semitic. Here is an American Thinker bit on Jimmy's latest ravings. He is now advising Jews to reject the unwavering support of American evangelical Christians.
Posted by
7:40 PM
Socialist Green Paradise
Moonbattery links today to an article about Berkeley, California's new measure G. This far reaching green legislation demonstrates classic socialist ignorance. The measure completely ignores the horrendous economic impact of it's silly ideas.As a survivor of UC Berkeley, I am familiar with the impact of this stuff. Berkeley's "rent control" laws are famous for making it impossible to find somewhere to live when attending school there. The goal of all this is to crush the Berkeley economy so that the unimployed and practically useless socialist dreamer's in Berkeley can afford to continue living there.
Posted by
8:59 AM