Thursday, May 3, 2007

More Tyranny of the Minority

Anti-mullah is off and running about the emergence of Sharia law in Britain. Yes, Sharia law in Britain. Overarching political correctness leading directly to a Tyranny of the minority and the denial of women's rights. Painful. Get a grip and confront it you limey Blokes!

In England the Moslem Council has also demanded the British Education Authorities to impose sharia law in all schools so that Moslem students should be comfortable going to school. No gymnastics, no dances, clothing must be modest according to Moslem teachings (burkhas, chadors etc.), no swimming, no mixing of girls and boys thus no co-educational activities or classes.This 'tail wagging the dog' demand blindly ignores the British culture that has been there for centuries and demands the English change thier ways to accomodate a relatively small number of newcomers.

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